Sony Ericsson Xperia pro wallpapers |
After having saved a wallpaper on your PC, you must transfer it to your phone and then set it as a wallpaper. Be sure to include the entire image before you crop it.
The Screen test wallpaper may be used to test your phone's screen, especially the colors. It has 16 columns and two circles with all basic colors in a bright and a dark version plus a gray scale and a RGB color scale. This should give you a good indication if the colors on the screen look natural. Screen test shows the following colors:
Column 1 - 16 | ||
No | Color name | Color code |
1 | Bright red | #FF0000 | 255-0-0 |
2 | Bright green | #00FF00 | 0-255-0 |
3 | Bright blue | #0000FF | 0-0-255 |
4 | Yellow | #FFFF00 | 255-255-0 |
5 | Orange | #FF8000 | 255-128-0 |
6 | Light gray | #C0C0C0 | 192-192-192 |
7 | White | #FFFFFF | 255-255-255 |
8 | Gray scale | |
9 | Dark red (Maroon) | #800000 | 128-0-0 |
10 | Dark green | #008000 | 0-128-0 |
11 | Dark blue (Navy blue) | #000080 | 0-0-128 |
12 | Olive | #808000 | 128-128-0 |
13 | Brown | #804000 | 128-64-0 |
14 | Dark gray | #808080 | 128-128-128 |
15 | Black | #000000 | 0-0-0 |
16 | RGB color scale | |
Left circle | ||
Part | Color name | Color code |
Left half | Cyan | #00FFFF | 0-255-255 |
Right half | Teal | #008080 | 0-128-128 |
Center | Black | #000000 | 0-0-0 |
Right circle | ||
Part | Color name | Color code |
Left half | Magenta | #FF00FF | 255-0-255 |
Right half | Purple | #800080 | 128-0-128 |
Center | White | #FFFFFF | 255-255-255 |
The wallpapers on this page are provided free of charge for your personal use only. You are not
allowed to sell them or use them for any commercial purpose.
This page was last updated 2017-05-11 10:00 CED