File List Copy
FLCOPY 1.6   ·   2014-04-11   ·   Command Script

FLCOPY.CMD copies files and directories specified in a list. It is very useful for backing up and restoring groups of files.

Call syntax:
FLCOPY.CMD file-list source dest [modify-date|LCD]
file-list: File with the names of files and directories to be copied, one name per line. The following options may be specified after each name:
/S - Subdirectories are also to be copied
/N - No logging of files being copied
/Comment - Any comment you may want to include
The file must have the extension .FLS, which is not specified in the call. The name of the file, including any path, cannot contain blanks.
source: Source drive and directory.
dest: Destination drive and directory.
modify-date: Only copy files that have been created or modified on or after this date (MM-DD-YYYY; optional). If the file file-list.LCD exists, then modify-date may also be specified as LCD which returns the last copy date for that file list.

If any of the parameters source and dest contain blanks, they must be enclosed in " (double qoutes). The result of each file copy will be written to a file with the same name and location as file-list, but with the extension .LOG. A log file called FLCOPY.LOG in the destination directory is also updated with a summary of the copied files. After the files are copied, a file called file-list.LCD with the current date in MM-DD-YYYY format is created. It may be used to specify the modify date next time FLCOPY is used with the same file list.

Example of call:
FLCOPY.CMD MY_Docs C: D:\Backup 12-15-2005

The files and directories specified in MY_Docs.FLS are copied from drive C: to D:\Backup, but only files from Dec. 15, 2005 or after are included. The result will be written to a file called MY_Docs.LOG

Example of File list:
Documents\*.doc /S /All doc files in directory Documents and its subdirectories
E-mail /All files in directory E-mail
Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs /S /N
WINDOWS\KB*.LOG /All LOG files in directory WINDOWS whose names begin with KB
Shared\SESSION.LOG* /The file SESSION.LOG in directory Shared

Note: When copying a single file, put an * after the file name to indicate that it is a file, not a directory.

The File lists used by FLCOPY.CMD may also be used by FLDEL.CMD. By means of FLCOPY.CMD and FLDEL.CMD it is possible to create and maintain a synchronized backup of selected directories. You can use FLCOPY.CMD to create and update the backup directories and then use FLDEL.CMD to automatically delete files in them that no longer exist in the original source directories.

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This page was last updated 2014-04-11 17:52 CED